Duragloss Nanoglass Ceramic Extreme Coating up to 10H.
Benefits - A ceramic coating will provide you with better protection than any sealant or wax while enhancing the gloss and keeping your car cleaner longer. Ceramic coatings (or nano coatings) work better for a few reasons. Nano coatings nano particles of either quartz (most) or ceramic (few). Through the use of carrier fluids, (fluids that work into the pores of the paint to 'carry' the nano sized particles), these nano particles are able to work into the pores of the clear coat and cross link with the paint. Thus, infusing quartz or ceramic into the paint increases the slickness of the paint (surface tension), and improves resistance to chemical etching.
Package include coating on all glass, wheels and engine bay plastic coating.
Call us at 93387370 for an appointment.